Property building in Best Western Amarys Rambouillet
Best Western

Best Western Amarys Rambouillet


Best Western Amarys Rambouilletへようこそ。フランスのランブイエに位置する魅力的な3つ星ホテルです。73 Rue De La Louviereに位置するこのホテルは、市内中心部からわずか0.7マイルの距離にあり、探索の拠点として最適です。


ゲストからは絶賛のレビューが寄せられ、合計200件のレビューがホテルの優れたサービスと施設を称賛しています。Best Western Amarys Rambouilletでの滞在のスタート価格はわずか$102からで、コストパフォーマンスに優れています。ビジネスやレジャーでの旅行に関わらず、このホテルはランブイエ滞在の理想的な選択肢です。

ダイニングオプションに関しては、[Best Western Amarys Rambouillet]が対応しています。ホテルには、フレンチ料理に特化した創造的に名付けられたレストラン#1があります。クラシックな料理が食べたい場合も、新しいものを試したい場合も、このレストランはあなたの味蕾を満足させること間違いありません。レストランの便利な立地は、居心地の良い宿泊施設からあまり遠く離れずに食事を楽しみたいゲストにとって理想的な選択肢です。

Bed in Best Western Amarys Rambouillet
Bed in Best Western Amarys Rambouillet


Standard Queen Room in Best Western Amarys Rambouillet


1 クイーンサイズベッド


160 平方フィート

スタンダード, クイーンサイズ



1 クイーンサイズベッド

Superior Corner, クイーンサイズ





1 ソファベッド


160 平方フィート

快適, 2ベッド, ソファーベッド



[Best Western Amarys Rambouillet]では、利便性と支払いの簡単さが最優先です。ホテルは、アメリカンエキスプレス、ビザ、ダイナーズクラブ、マスターカードなどさまざまな支払い方法を受け入れており、ゲストが支払いをスムーズに行えるようにしています。ホテルは現金を支払い方法として受け付けていないことに注意してください。そのため、お好みの支払い方法を手元に用意しておくのが良いでしょう。

[Best Western Amarys Rambouillet]では、快適さが重要であり、さまざまなニーズに対応するための部屋タイプを提供しています。家族連れで旅行している場合や、2人用の居心地の良い部屋を探している場合でも、誰にでも合った部屋があります。ダブルベッドとシングルベッド1台を備えたファミリールームは、3人の大人を収容するのに最適です。カップルや一人旅の方には、クイーンサイズベッドが備わったスタンダードクイーンルームが快適なリトリートを提供します。少し余分なスペースをお探しの場合は、280平方フィートの広々としたスーペリアクイーンルームがおすすめです。2人の大人と1人の子供を収容するのに最適です。どの部屋タイプを選んでも、[Best Western Amarys Rambouillet]で快適でリラックスした滞在を楽しむことができます。

Lobby or reception in Best Western Amarys Rambouillet
Property building in Best Western Amarys Rambouillet










Fitness centre/facilities in Best Western Amarys Rambouillet
Restaurant/places to eat in Best Western Amarys Rambouillet


屋内の, 全年齢

オールシーズン, 温水, 飛び込み付き, 浅いエリア

Food and drinks in Best Western Amarys Rambouillet
Bed in Best Western Amarys Rambouillet


Restaurant #1

モダンな, フランス料理

Food and drinks in Best Western Amarys Rambouillet
Restaurant/places to eat in Best Western Amarys Rambouillet
Natural landscape in Best Western Amarys Rambouillet
I booked this hotel for my director and he said it completely exceeded his expectation. He needed to charge his electric car and Nothing was too much to ask. What made it exceptional was the staff (every single one that he dealt with). They were incredibly friendly, helpful and super kind. Blew him away as this is not normally what we get in a lot of the hotels he stays at in that area. Will definitely be going back


The room was large, modern, clean, and the AC worked great. The staff were helpful and the guy at the front desk was efficient and had a great sense of humor. Everyone spoke great English. A bakery and grocery are right next door. The restaurant served a good crème brûlée.


Lovely hotel, modern, outside seating on ground floor, bedrooms and in front of restaurant. Swimming pool looked fab, unfortunately didn't have time to enjoy it. Will certainly use the hotel again.


The staff was very nice and dedicated. Very good atmosphere, very good breakfast. Special attention for the Spa facility which was very well done.


Very clean and comfortable. A fine hotel, not far from the center of town, about 10 min on the bike. Front desk was very helpful and friendly.


I booked this hotel for my director and he said it completely exceeded his expectation. He needed to charge his electric car and Nothing was too much to ask. What made it exceptional was the staff (every single one that he dealt with). They were incredibly friendly, helpful and super kind. Blew him away as this is not normally what we get in a lot of the hotels he stays at in that area. Will definitely be going back


The room was large, modern, clean, and the AC worked great. The staff were helpful and the guy at the front desk was efficient and had a great sense of humor. Everyone spoke great English. A bakery and grocery are right next door. The restaurant served a good crème brûlée.


Lovely hotel, modern, outside seating on ground floor, bedrooms and in front of restaurant. Swimming pool looked fab, unfortunately didn't have time to enjoy it. Will certainly use the hotel again.


The staff was very nice and dedicated. Very good atmosphere, very good breakfast. Special attention for the Spa facility which was very well done.


Very clean and comfortable. A fine hotel, not far from the center of town, about 10 min on the bike. Front desk was very helpful and friendly.


I booked this hotel for my director and he said it completely exceeded his expectation. He needed to charge his electric car and Nothing was too much to ask. What made it exceptional was the staff (every single one that he dealt with). They were incredibly friendly, helpful and super kind. Blew him away as this is not normally what we get in a lot of the hotels he stays at in that area. Will definitely be going back


The room was large, modern, clean, and the AC worked great. The staff were helpful and the guy at the front desk was efficient and had a great sense of humor. Everyone spoke great English. A bakery and grocery are right next door. The restaurant served a good crème brûlée.


Lovely hotel, modern, outside seating on ground floor, bedrooms and in front of restaurant. Swimming pool looked fab, unfortunately didn't have time to enjoy it. Will certainly use the hotel again.


The staff was very nice and dedicated. Very good atmosphere, very good breakfast. Special attention for the Spa facility which was very well done.


Very clean and comfortable. A fine hotel, not far from the center of town, about 10 min on the bike. Front desk was very helpful and friendly.



73 Rue De La Louviere, Rambouillet, 78120, フランス

Best Western Amarys Rambouillet